Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome to Lent!: A Joyful, Solemn Contradiction

I plead guilty to being somewhat of a liturgical geek. I treasure the rhythms and patterns of the church seasons, knowing that there is always something to look forward to and that God brings newness to even the most familiar. I particularly look forward to Lent because it always spurs spiritual growth.

Despite this eager anticipation of my favorite season, Ash Wednesday service is always jarring in its contradictions. I'm excited for the growth ahead, yet anxious for what I know will not be an easy journey if I go with a receptive heart and open spirit. I look forward to learning about God in new ways and sensing His presence, but I dread the discomfort that will come with sincere examination of my life and the rigor of discipline. I feel alone when marked with the cross of ashes and oil, yet I can see and sense that I am surrounded by a community of believers. Most of all, I'm reminded how far short I fall of loving our Lord with all of my heart, soul, strength, and mind and neighbor as self, yet simultaneously aware of His overwhelming grace and the wonder of our baptismal promises.

Lent is a stark reminder of the contradictions that are the essence of our Christian faith and life. Much of what we practice and believe is contradictory to contemporary, secular society. No one promised us that our life as a baptized people would be easy or without cost, yet we know that we find our life through losing it in Him.

As we journey together this Lent, I pray that we would find His promises and presence through embracing the contradictions and whatever is to come. May it be so.

Rachel S.

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