Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Season of Waiting

I wrote the simple poem below six years ago during my Chaplain Residency.  During pastoral visits, as I listened to people share their wants and needs, I often envisioned their desires against the fabric of God’s Hope.  While this was not always an easy thing to do, especially when a family’s faith seemed to be hidden in struggles or pain.  God’s presence would eventually be evidenced as a place of rest, calm, centering and over time... hope.

During this season of activities, gatherings, errands and yes, even worship, I wish you still, quiet moments of sensing God’s presence in your heart, as we wait with Mary and Joseph for Emmanuel, the infinite Gift of Love and Hope to be born in  a manger. 

That dusty red fire truck soon to be his
A wished for letter not yet here
Standing in line to buy bread and milk.


Those critical test results still to come
The chance to be home on Christmas day
A new job to help them pay their rent.


The son standing on guard too far from home
Time enough to be with her far away friend
The rosy cheeked doll she eyed in the window


Receiving a raise for reaching the goal
Hearing the first cry of their newborn son
Trusting Santa will come as they sleep through the night


So how did you wait while your baby grew inside
Did your hopes burn bright when you first heard the News
The days must have grown long as you awaited His birth
Yet the One you were waiting for
Came to give your Life


In this Season of Waiting, God’s Grace is already shining on you.  Can you sense this?
~ Susan Moss