Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Give It Up For.......Lent!

A friend of mine recently blogged about giving up using plastic bags and disposable coffee cups as part of his Lenten Journey. It helped him be more mindful about certain daily tasks and added to his understanding about how we are to care for the creation we have been given. Others have given up chocolate, soda and even Facebook!
Typically, people have given up things that are convenient or could be considered luxuries for Lent. That’s how the practice of fish (i.e. not “meat”) on Fridays may have originated.
What I really want to give up for Lent: the stubborn anger at someone who has hurt me, a shortness of temper, feelings of frustration at things I cannot control. These seem to be the right way to respond to events in my world but they are really just convenient and luxurious wallowing in ego. I cling to these feelings like a life preserver not seeing that they are the very things that pull me down.

The Pharisees in 9 John cling to their ”right way” of doing things that they cannot see the essential truth and beauty of what was before them. The formerly blind man believes, accepts and is thankful. The blind man sees, the sighted men are blind. Another joyful and solemn contradiction found on the Lenten journey!

Lord, help me to be like the blind man - believing, accepting and thankful. Let me see what I can give up, and let me glimpse the essential truth and beauty I will be able to see when I do.

Amen. Amein. Ameen.

Paul Sannerud

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