Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Faith In Action

Writing this blog about Serving did not come easily to me.  I see the concept of serving as both all-encompassing, yet simple in practice.  I believe to serve another is at the crux of how we live out our lives and faith in community.  Jesus modeled what it means to serve one another. To serve speaks to how we view or understand ourselves in relationship to another.  It is how we put out faith in action and how we understand another in relationship to us.

So, how does the idea of Serving translate to the concept of putting our faith in action?  What if one has faith, yet does not know how s/he wants to serve?  What’s a person to do?  Or, let’s say you do know what you want to do, yet feel hesitant, due to anxiety, a seemingly full calendar, or you're just not sure you’re that equipped?  None of these are permanent roadblocks.  Here’s some thoughts to reflect on.

     *  First, PRAYbefore you do anything!  Serving in faith, to benefit another, does not rely on your own power. It’s like filling up your car with gas. Try asking God to equip you, and then watch how the Holy Spirit fuels you up for serving.  If God is calling you to serve, and we are all called in some way, the Holy Spirit will lead you on.

*  Wanting to serve in a different way?  Or wanting to serve for the first time and not sure where to start? Talk with someone you trust, someone in your faith community, your clergy, or your family. Brainstorm ideas and try different venues until you find something that matches your gifts and passion…..and maybe even stretches you.  You just may uncover God-given gifts and talents you did not know you have!        

*   Look through your calendar and block off some time, weekly, monthly, something.  There’s an old cliché, 'if you do something 21 times it becomes a habit'.  If you aren’t already involved in service of some kind, start somewhere, and see over time how God is shaping you, your faith,  and your relationships in community! You might be in for a pleasant surprise.

*  Don’t short change yourself. Many folks make light of the services they do offer daily, weekly, monthly and so on; giving themselves the message that what they do is not enough or that it doesn’t make a difference. I invite you to let go of this thought. Whatever you do in faith to benefit another is meaningful and an act of service. We never know what seeds are planted when we reach out.  

*   While appreciation is always welcome, receiving a thank you or validation is not the purpose for reaching out to others.  Even still, we never know how the Holy Spirit will intercede when we place our acts of service in God’s hands.  For example….. Two of our wonderful volunteers at the local Warming Center for the Homeless are a retired couple who come weekly  to  welcome our guests. Last night we had a rowdy bunch waiting outside for the doors to open. It was one of the very few times we needed to ask our guests to lower the volume of their voices. Getting ready to make this request the third time, I felt a little frustrated. Opening the door to make my plea again,I was pleasantly surprised to find our homeless guests in a circle, praying for their friends who might not have shelter last night. Here is faith in action, fueled by the Holy Spirit.

I believe the Christian life flourishes in community with one another, in God.  Serving one another locally, and around our world, is a major cornerstone to strengthening and growing community.

And while my blog has not focused on the following reflection, it seems that reaching out to others is also a way of thanking God for the blessings of community and the ability to reach out. 


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