Saturday, May 5, 2012

Affirm, Reflect, Go

This Sunday, we will celebrate the affirmation of baptism for ten ninth-grade students. For these students, this Sunday culminates three years of weekly classes, retreats,and projects. They have written a faith statement, designed a stole, interviewed their parents and a congregational mentor about faith lives and practices, taken a spiritual gifts inventory, and talked with the pastors. Beyond being a rite of passage into the Christian church, this day represents an affirmation of their baptism.

Baptismal promises are one of the most crucial and hopeful aspects of our faith. These promises affirm that we are granted new life in Christ, given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and reminded that the light of Christ dwells in us. Many of these youth were baptized as infants, through the gift of their parents. Now, they are affirming this faith for themselves, claiming it as their own, and accepting the roles and responsibilities of Christian adults.

But the responsibility doesn't end with them. As a congregation, we promise to support and help these youth in their walk of faith, relying on the help of God to do so. We make these promises to all who are baptized in our midst, and again to all who affirm that baptism, whether as youth or adults.

In your prayer/devotional/quiet/down time this week, I invite you to reflect on your own experience of baptismal affirmation, if you have done this. Were you a youth? An adult? Did you have a Bible verse or passage that was meaningful to you at the time? Did you write a statement of faith? What would such a statement look like now? Or what passage would you choose as an adult to represent that which is most dear to you out of our scriptures? Or is this something you would consider doing?

I leave you with a challenge. How is God calling you to support the newly baptized, those who affirm their baptism, and all those gathered in our midst? This is our responsibility, and a sacred promise we make to God and each other.

Wishing you blessings on your week. May you sense that you are loved, and remember that God gives us new life through water and the Spirit. May the light of Christ shine in you today and always. Amen.

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