Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Running from God

My spiritual director wisely told me that when things happen in series of three, it might be worth paying attention: God may be trying to get my attention. This week seems to be the week of being reminded that, as much as we may try to run, God is still far bigger and more loving than we can ever dream of understanding.

On Sunday, I had the joy of leading the children's sermon on Jonah. We acted out the story of Jonah (running in place, "swallowing Jonah", etc.), and talked a lot about what it means to run away from God. As one wise child pointed out "Running from God is kind of impossible. He's bigger and even faster than super sonic sound! And he just wants to wrap you in a big hug anyway." 

Yesterday, a friend sent me the song linked above because she had found it moving--repeating the comforting theme that God is indeed holding us. And today, while cleaning out my DVDs, I found the classic VeggieTales movie which includes the song "God is bigger than the boogeyman/ He is bigger than Godzilla/Or the monsters on TV/God is bigger than the boogeyman/And He's watching out for you and me."

This week, I would encourage you to examine how you might be running from God, and challenge you to delight in His presence, knowing that you are loved and that--try as you might--you can't escape that love or your identity as a beloved child of God. 

With prayers that you may hear His voice and sense His peace,

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