Monday, November 14, 2011

Prayer will bring about greater things than just a building.

As we approach dedication Sunday we focus on prayer. There is a prayer vigil on Thursday evening and we have all been asked to pray about our giving and for English Lutheran Church. As I see my refrigerator magnet each day (many times), I am constantly reminded to pray and focus on what God wants us to do for English Lutheran. Pastor Mark keeps telling us that this is not just about a building, but about our faith and this process of bathing the Church in prayer will bring about greater things than just a building. I will say for our family, that is already happening.

I like this idea of a family gathering together and praying for big decisions in life. So, I decided to apply that to our own little family. We gathered together as a family and talked about all the things going on and what we want our lives to really look like. Now every day each of us prays for ELC and for our family's future and focus in life. We have been greatly enriched by bathing ELC in prayer and my hope is that you all have found that this process of community prayer has brought benefits beyond a decision as to how much to give to the Capital Campaign.

May your prayer life continue to grow and enrich all that you enjoy in life. Amen.

Eva Marie R.

1 comment:

  1. Eva Marie,
    Thank you for reminding us of the importance of praying about our pledge, and the unexpected blessings that come when we bring our prayers to God. I find that God often answers prayers in ways that we don't even imagine.


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