Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Being At The Last Supper.....The Passover Seder

"The streets are busy. Folks watching...waiting....scurrying around.....preparing for sundown as the eve of Passover approaches. A familiar event...yet tonight would be different. It is essential to ensure every person of Hebrew lineage have enough to eat and drink for this celebration, enough lamb, enough unleavened bread, enough wine...and someone to recount our story with. God had called upon us to make sure of this each year as we gather to remember our journey, giving thanks for our freedom and praising God for our blessings. Tonight we will be sharing this unleavened bread and wine with Jesus! Can you imagine? I still can not believe it!

We are in an Upper Room of a building off the street now, settling down..getting ready to recount our story and enjoy the Seder feast. But what is happening? I can not believe what I am seeing! Jesus, our Messiah, is kneeling....on his knees...with a towel and basin of water washing our feet...one by one! Now Peter then John and on. This evening will become even stranger as time passes on....nothing like that which I had expected. I thought we would just be discussing our journey from slavery and enjoying this time of celebration with our respected Messiah. And now I hear that one of us is going to betray our Leader, if he has not done so. Who would do this? Why?

Jesus is telling us to eat this broken unleavened bread...that this bread is his body....and now to drink from this cup in remembrance of him? He says he is going to God's kingdom. What does he mean? Why after we have followed him on this journey, won't he take us with him? He's saying Peter will deny him before the sun rises. Would I ever deny him? Has he received some news about plans being made to harm or even worse kill him? Why does this have to happen now after we are finally gaining some freedom? What more can happen?"

During the weeks past, we have learned so much from this Messiah...his teachings...his stories. I admit I don't always understand everything he says or does...yet for some unknown reason this man of God called upon us to follow him. He is always reminding us to be mindful and have faith....so how could I forget. Still with all the political rumblings and battles for power maybe it's easy to lose focus...I hope not. I hope when the sun rises tomorrow Jesus will still be with us. I hope we will remain free and remember our blessings. I hope when Jesus leaves, he will remember us. I hope God will shine mercy on us. I hope.

God be with Jesus tonight and in the days to come......be with us through all our days.....

(from the past and now)

Susan Moss

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